Automatic Loan Payment

Set up your automatic loan payment by visiting our bank and speaking to a Customer Service Representative.

Direct Deposit

To direct deposit Social Security, please set it up at the bank with a Customer Service Representative. Employment direct deposit can be set up at your place of business by using the direct deposit form.

Safe Deposit Boxes

We offer safe deposit boxes for your valuables. Visit a Customer Service Representative at our bank, and they will set you up.

Redeem U.S. Savings Bonds

Visit us to redeem U.S. Savings bonds.

Reorder Checks

You may reorder checks online, at the bank, or by mail.

Routing Number

You can find our routing number at the bottom of your Sunnyside checks.

7-Month CD Special

4.25 APY*

Interest Rate 4.16%
No Minimum Balance 

*Annual Percentage Yield

Request More Information

For more information, or to get started, contact us today. We would love to hear from you!

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